Art Or Life?
Jan 2021 — May 2021

"Art or life?" is a work that explores the value and significance of art and life. It was inspired by interesting debate topic-"If an art museum you visit is on fire and you can save only one thing. There is a cat and a famous painting in front of you. Which one would you save?"









Longer Existence

Click for pattern details↑

I believe everyone will have his/her own answers and it is reasonable to have either choice. This project aims to explore the reasons and significance behind these choices. The final outcome has two forms of output. The first is an interactive game, allowing people to make choices through a mini programme and finally get the "result" of their final answer. The second output is the combination of printing and clothing to present the reasons behind people's different choices. The project wants to express that "Life is a road of constant choice, and every choice will lead to a different direction, so each of them is critically important."

Fashion And Textile design
Applet Interface design

Applet leads people to think about the question and get the print through selection.It helps them think about choice for guiding direction, clear inner demands in the choice of the future.

